26 June 2024, Wednesday, 6:19
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AFU Shoot Down Russian SU-25

AFU Shoot Down Russian SU-25

The attack aircraft was hit in the Pokrovsk direction.

The AFU General Staff reported the downing of a Russian SU-25 aircraft. It was shot down in the Pokrovsk direction.

"The defence forces are making maximum efforts to exhaust and deter the Russian invaders. The previous losses of the aggressor in this direction amounted to 198 occupants killed and wounded. An SU-25 aircraft, one tank, an armoured fighting vehicle, a cannon and four vehicles have been destroyed,’ the report said.

According to the latest data from the General Staff, the Russian occupation army has lost about 519,750 soldiers in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale war.

There are 359 aircraft of various types and 326 helicopters among the large amount of destroyed hardware. The occupiers also lost 28 ships and boats and one submarine.

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