6 July 2024, Saturday, 17:02
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Bashkortostan Decides To Buy Burning MAZs

Bashkortostan Decides To Buy Burning MAZs

Perhaps it's about corruption.

Bashkortostan has decided to add fire. For this purpose they plan to start assembling MAZ products. The agreement on this was signed at the XI "Forum of Regions" by Prime Minister of the Russian region Andrei Nazarov and General Director of MAZ Valery Ivankovich. They want to assemble them at the "Ufa Tram and Trolleybus Plant".

Such plans were announced back in the summer of the year 22. But then the epic with breakdowns and spontaneous combustion of MAZ machinery began. This was caused by sanctions on the supply of Western components and their replacement by Russian and Chinese ones.

"The decision of the Bashkir side is surprising, as the problem of machinery breakdowns has only worsened, MAZ has become a confident "leader" in this indicator. There are more than 40 MAZ competitors in the Russian Federation. The leadership of the federation and the federal district may have questions to the government of the republic because of such a strange choice.

Bashkortostan is known not only as the largest and richest region of the Russian Federation, but also as one of the most corrupt. Most likely, the Lukashists managed to come to an agreement with the republic's leadership to share their shadow profits. It is indicative that in May Bashkortostan's Transport Minister Aleksandr Klebanov was arrested for corruption, who most likely was slowing down the deal," a Charter97.org reader suggests.

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