9 July 2024, Tuesday, 0:23
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Lukashenka Is A Threat To SCO

Lukashenka Is A Threat To SCO

It is a shame that he was accepted into this organization.

Commenting on the results of the SCO summit held in Astana on July 3-4 to Kazinform, I understood that I was communicating with the state news agency of Kazakhstan, so critical assessments are not welcome here. Unfortunately, it turned out that only the most measured presentation of the passage about the problems in the SCO that have not been resolved due to both the opportunistic political preferences of individual members and the foundations for new problems in the future laid during the Astana summit, in my opinion.

I mean the unresolved problems in the India-China-Pakistan triangle. The latter was accepted into the SCO with the support of Beijing at the time, while Moscow in response was pushing India. Moreover, almost by force, since New Delhi was not really eager to join this organization. The admission of two “small” nuclear powers, fighting over the disputed Kashmir, was supposed to cool down their militant ardor. This was partly successful. But not entirely, as evidenced by the refusal of Indian Prime Minister Modi to come to Astana, he sent the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in his place. In addition, difficult relations will remain between India and China... As a result, Prime Minister Modi, having refused to appear at the SCO, chose Moscow as his route, where he will arrive, according to Indian sources, very soon, on July 8.

Now a new geopolitical irritant appears in the ranks of the SCO, Belarus has joined the ranks of the “Shanghaiers” in Astana under an accelerated procedure. In my opinion, this threatens to unbalance the SCO.

The admission of Minsk is considered a concession to Moscow, now its voice within the SCO is doubled, since Belarus is a member of the Union State with the Russian Federation. This is like a repeat of the situation with the UN membership of the Belarusian SSR during the USSR.

But this is not the only thing, the admission of Belarus led by Lukashenka threatens the radicalization of the SCO. Already in Astana, Lukashenka was the only one who “crushed” the West — “the narcissistic and egotistical West is not capable of making independent decisions.” After all, now the Global South will have to take responsibility for creating an indivisible security system, Lukashenka instructively pointed out. A country, the Chief of the General Staff of which General Muraveyko recently spoke about the readiness of the Belarusian military to use tactical nuclear weapons (Russian!) in the event of a threat to the country's security on the western borders, has become a member of the SCO.

This bellicose rhetoric is reminiscent of the regular speeches at SCO summits many years ago by the then Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who constantly showered curses and threats on the United States and Israel. It is for this reason that Iran, which was then a candidate for SCO membership, was kept at the SCO's door for a long time. And they only let him in when he was re-elected...

I believe that the haste to accept the current Belarus will not contribute to strengthening the authority of the SCO.

Arkady Dubnov,Telegram

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