29 сентября 2024, воскресенье, 2:22
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 8
+20 +
или, 9:06, 15.12

трамп захныкал в уголке.

-2 +
GabbaHey, 12:34, 15.12

Trump can be accused of many things, being brash etc, but certainly not whimpering.

Trump's negotiating tactic regarding NATO was to ask why the USA was spending the lion's share to defend Europe when wealthy countries like Germany were not even spending the bare minimum to defend themselves.

Making matters more absurd Germany and others were enriching Russia through Gas purchases with plans to increase this via Nordstrom 2! Plus Germany was shutting it's Nuclear power and coal fired power plants requiring even more natural gas!

This gas and oil revenue obtained by Russia was used to pay to increase the capabilities of it's military. Complete insanity from a US point of view. Trump made sure Merkel and friends understood this.

-1 +
Answer, 13:26, 15.12

NATO can be changed by two ways:
- force Germany, France and others to pay more (this is for the benefit of NATO and the world);
- or stop paying themselves and leave NATO (for the benefit only of the cannibal putin).
Attention, the question is, which way did trump choose and why?
Bloody money from rushka doesn't smell?

+22 +
Pen, 9:23, 15.12

Это не карманный парламент, а демократическая структура.

+3 +
гость, 12:48, 15.12

Я уже раз писал,напишу ещё раз.В Америке 3 ветви власти,они страхуют друг друга,на случай прихода к власти идиота.Сейчас,одна из властей,поняла,что влияние и авторитет в мире стоит денег,и немалых.А Штаты могут себе позволить тратить деньги на влияние и авторитет,один из таких платежей - содержание НАТО.

-2 +
семен, 13:13, 15.12

быть может некоторые страны захотят в состав россии,а тут закон,как им быть?

+1 +
Нехитрый Лис, 13:51, 15.12

По большому счету США это и есть НАТО.

-1 +
Ната, 14:08, 15.12

НАТО- Yes,yes,yes......

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