8 марта 2025, суббота, 23:10
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 7
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Михаил П, 18:52, 29.05

Опаньки! Значит россияне до Березовского добраться не могут.
А " Могикане" из белоруского КГБ могут.
Березовский кукловод Лукашенко.
Коментировать и обьяснять всё эт себя не уважать.
Господа оппозиционеры! Ищите своего врага на Западе.

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Вернер, 19:09, 29.05

Да это ж очевидно, что Лука действовал по указке Березы. О чем можно его было спрашивать? Хотели получить дальнейшие инструкции?

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Маша, 19:11, 29.05

Беднего Зельцера в КГБ явно пытают по заказу Березовского. Американскому консулу он рассказал, что его избивают в тюрьме. Решили сгноить человека... Когда уже Америка вмешается по-серьезному?

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Злы, 19:30, 29.05

Было бы интересно,если бы Америка у себя кого-нибудь из находящихся там белорусов взяла и предъявила что-нибудь типа "торговли оружием"связали с Бутом,например) или т.п. Потом бы просто обменяли "зк" и всё!

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inn, 22:53, 29.05

Злому -- персонально:
Там столько детишек столпов правящего режима отирается
на стритах, что не было бы никакой проблемы зажать
им, столпам, и их отпрыскам яй$а в тисках империализма.
Но он, империализм, так устроен, что процедура там превыше всего. И в отличие от страны товарища Сталина там детишки за папок действительно не отвечают.

То ли дело в лукашистском колхозе: кого захочу -- посажу, кого захочу -- выпущу. Меняем Зельцера на Титенкова + Журавкову. Их садим как воров и наркоторговцев. Зельцера выпускаем. А посчитать, сколько это стоит, попросим Бориса Абрамыча. У него в связи с неспадзяванкай Путяти, наверное, с баблом напряженка. Он охотно возьмется за этот маленький бизнес. И Лу отстегнет его законную десятину.
Гарант на меньшее не пойдет.

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Brian Keith Doan, 2:17, 30.05

Perhaps it is Mr. Zeltser whom the Belarusian KGB investigators should be asking to testify about the knowledge he possesses on the motivation behind the secrecy surrounding Mr. Patarkatsishvili's urgent need to ensure that his beneficiaries, his lawful heirs, received their just portion of his estimated $12 billion (USD) estate that Mr. Berezovsky is now claiming up to fifty percent ownership.

What is indisputable is that for security of mind, Mr. Patarkatsishvili turned to Mr. Kay and Mr. Zeltser to execute the documents Mr. Berezovsky alleged were forgeries when he flew Mr Zeltser on his privated jet to Minsk in what U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Sullivan postulated had all the appearance of the unlawful engineering of Mr. Zeltser's arrest by Mr. Berezovsky.

The Georgian Court ruled on 19 May 2008 that the documents Mr. Berezovsky alleged were forgeries are, in fact, authentic. The Georgian Court so ordered that Mr. Kay is the lawful executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate. As executor, Mr. Kay now controls Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets, and here again Mr. Berezovsky's commingled assets, and was granted the right to dispose of the assets as he determines is in the best interest of the estate.

Mr. Zeltser served as Mr. Patarkatsishvili's U.S. attorney for fourteen years. He was also a trusted confidant of Mr. Patarkatsishvili, who turned to him on 14 November 2008 to execute a Durable Power of Attorney authorizing his distant cousin, Mr. Kay, with the right to manage his assets, with an added clause that the Durable Power of Attorney would survive his death.

Mr. Patarkatsishvili executed the Durable Power of Attorney fourteen days after Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with polonium 210 in London on what Mr. Berezovsky would later alleged was a Kremlin sponsored assassination of Mr. Litvinenko that was carried out by Mr. Patarkatsishvili's long time friend and business associate, Andrei Lugovoy. He is alleged to have executed the Durable Power of Attorney because he did not know whom he could trust anymore. Not without significance, however, was that Mr. Patarkatsishvili, in opposition to Mr. Berezovsky, defended Mr. Lugovoy, professing his unequivocal belief in Mr. Lugovoy's innocence.

One year to the day later, on 14 November 2007, Mr. Patarkatsishvili against turned to his trusted confidant Mr. Zeltser. On this occasion, his world was collapsing around him. He was living in self-exile in London, accused by Georgian officials of orchestrating a coup. Georgia had seized his assets, and with his assets the assets Mr. Berezovsky alleges he commingled with and entrusted to Mr. Patarkatsishvili..

The bulk of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets, and presumably Mr. Berezovsky's commingled assets, were invested in Georgia. So concerned was Mr. Patarkatsishvili over the implications the seizure of Berezovsky and his commingled assets and the transpiring events in Georgia, he executed a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes, appointing Mr. Kay as the executor of his estate. Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets, and again presumably Mr. Berezovsky's assets, would in all probability remain frozen by Georgian officials until Mr. Patarkatsishvili's death. The Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes Mr. Patarkatsishvili executed on 14 November 2007 provided him with the security that in the event of his death his beneficiaries portion of his estate would be not be compromised by fraudulent claims against his estate.

on 13 February 2008, just three months short of one day after appointing Mr. Kay as his executor, Mr. Patarkatsishvili held his last meeting with Mr. Berezovsky at Mr. Berezovsky's Mayflower office, during which Mr. Berezovsky alleged Mr. Patarkatsishvili complained of pains in his chest and difficulty breathing. He alleged Mr. Patarkatsishvili asked him for heart medication. Odd that he would ask for heart medication in that Mr. Patarkatsishvili's physician and family were unaware that he had a heart condition. Mr. Patarkatsishvili died of a massive coronary that evening, shortly after he returned to his home from his meeting with Mr. Berezovsky.

Mr. Berezovsky stated in interviews with the media that he viewed Mr. Patarkatsishvili's death as suspicious. Indeed! One needs but to ask who served to benefit the most from Mr. Patarkatsishvili's tragic early death? Certainly not the Treasury of Georgia!

Perhaps it is Mr .Zeltser whom the Belarusian KGB investigators should be asking to testify about the knowledge he possesses on the motivation behind the secrecy surrounding Mr. Patarkatsishvili 's urgent need to ensure that his beneficiaries, his lawful heirs, received their just portion of his estimated $12 billion (USD) estate that Mr. Berezovsky is now claiming up to fifty percent ownership. What is indisputable is that for security of mind, Mr. Patarkatsishvili turned to Mr. Kay and Mr. Zeltser to execute the documents Mr. Berezovsky alleged were forgeries when he flew Mr Zeltser on his private jet to Minsk in what U.S. District Court Judge Richard J. Sullivan postulated had all the appearance of the unlawful engineering of Mr. Zeltser's arrest by Mr. Berezovsky.

The Georgian Court ruled that the documents Berezovsky alleged were forgeries were authentic and appointed Mr. Kay as the lawful executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate. As executor, Mr. Kay now controls Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets, here again Mr. Berezovsky's commingled assets, and he free to dispose of them as he determines is in the best interest of the estate.

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Который разочарован, 11:22, 30.05

Интересно, а в рамках какого дела Березовский давал объяснения. Неужели "контрабанда и незаконный оборот наркотиков"?

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