7 января 2025, вторник, 22:17
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 12
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Никита, 22:34, 6.11

Замечательно - сначала даем такое право, а потом за попытку им воспользоваться штрафуем на 3,5 миллиона... А вроде бы правовое государство....

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Moder, 22:34, 6.11

:| Мда, ситуация, по конституции положено, в реальности - наложено. Или в статье не все подробности указаны или указаны не все подробности.. тк не может судья не дать того что по конституции положено. Наверно поздно спохватился этот верующий.

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Тим, 1:21, 7.11

Мдя, Конституция РБ многими (в том числе и АГЛ) рассматривается как обычная макулатура (( Жалко парня...

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enlightened, 2:40, 7.11

Jehovah's Witnesses do not vote, bear arms for their country, sing the national anthem, salute the national flag, take blood transfusions (but they will take blood fractions) but they do not donate their own blood.

They are a family wrecker, and cause much pain in this world. I was one of them for 30 years, and they almost destroyed me.

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Thomas, 10:55, 7.11

Jehovah doesn't exist because they claim he appoints elders and many of them are abusive of fellow members including children. Jehovah's don't pay tax in france, transfer equipment to avoid taxes...

They are Hypocrites who teach one thing and practise another.

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Overdose, 13:02, 7.11

Здесь обсуждается не ралигия и даже не свобода вероисповедания, а право на альтернативную службу.

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philip gregory, 17:16, 7.11

Jehovah's Witnesses main tennant of their faith is obedience to the bible, God's instruction to man. In the bible it says for all true Christians to be obedient to authorities, government authorities!, except where such obedience conflicts with God's other instructions.

Thus, JW's are the best citizens a country could hope for.

These authorities so desperate to squash their organization and faith are doing their country an injustice. They need hard working, decent, law-abiding people like Jehovah's Witnesses.

This example shows how stubbornly they insist on, not just punishing a faithful Jehovah's Witness, but their own country, by denying his request to be assigned alternative service to the country - even one longer than the military service!

They should be more concerned for such service to their country's needs instead of bowing to their Orthodox church leaders....

Philip Gregory
Greenacres, WA US

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Jeremy, 17:26, 7.11

It's a cult, just like scientology.

Jehovah's Witnesses are noted for their chief doctrine that Jesus had his second coming in 1914 and going door to door with Watchtower magazines,google * Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower * for facts on this group.

The whole door to door thing is risky now-days and less effective in the Internet age,I google everything first. Jehovah's Witnesses are schooled in 'finding common ground',if you like pink elephants they will become experts on pink elephants.

That's the beauty of religion and superstition, it has no limits.Religion is the most profitable legal business because religions can misquote, misrepresent, and use unethical practices without fear of punishment. It's the absolute best way to scam people I have yet seen.

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Беларус, 0:58, 9.11

Джереми, мы с тобой не спорим, похоже ты лучше нас разбираешся в этой области. но здесь на самом деле не об этом речь - здесь разговор о правовой обстановке в стране и что судьям наплевать на религиозные чувства и право человека.

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Sean, 12:46, 10.11

For what it is worth, I have been baptised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses for 44 years. I've been married for 37 years and my grandchildren happily serve Jehovah along with us. I give full credit to Jehovah who makes us better people through his wisdom. I have been in many congregations in Canada, so I can speak with authority. I have seen many people make false claims such as those posted here. They either don't like the message we preach or do not have what it takes to live up to Christian standards. This man is not like them. He is being penalised because he stands up for his Bible-based beliefs; he will not murder. Jesus did not just follow the crowd but taught his followers to be peaceable. There are many people who CLAIM to be Christian but this man is PROVING it by his faithful determination. God bless him.
For the TRUTH about Jehovah's Witnesses go to watchtower.org for RELIABLE information, not libel.

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Danny Haszard, 20:59, 12.11

Lifelong Jehovah's Witnesses dissident speaks out on JW belief system .

A) They are at your door to recruit you for their watchtower society corporation,they will say that "we are just here to share a message from the Bible" this is deception right off.

B) Their 'message' creed is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it's not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim "..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple."

C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban against *whole blood* has killed thousands.

D) once they recruit you they will "love bomb" you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off.
Danny Haszard Jehovah's Witness X 33 years http://www.dannyhaszard.com

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Гена, 18:36, 19.11

Я думаю если бы в стране имело место прицедентное право (кое у нас отсутствует напрочь) то все проблемы решились бы сами собой...
Еще в 2001-м году я в судебном порядке добивался а альтернативой службы, потребовав отменить административные взыскания наложенные на меня военкоматом. Суд был выигран, одно из взысканий было отменено, и признано не законным, второе, аналогичное, наложенное военкоматом ранее, суд не рассматривал, ибо истекли сроки обжалования. Прокуратура, в которую дважды обращался военком, дважды отказывала в возбуждении уголовного дела по причине отсутствия состава преступления...
После положительного результата в суде, военкомат поутих.
Почему подобное снова происходит в нашей стране мне не понятно, вернее понятно, но это уже другая тема...

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