8 января 2025, среда, 19:01
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!

Внешние санкции и бойкот оппозицией «выборов» дали результат


Власти и оппозиция в Зимбабве достигли в четверг вечером соглашения о разделе власти. Об этом заявил по окончании переговоров в зимбабвийской столице Хараре президент ЮАР Табо Мбеки - посредник в урегулировании кризиса в Зимбабве от Африканского Союза и Сообщества развития Юга Африки.

Комментарии 4
0 +
Я, 12:25, 12.09

Когда уже Европа и этому дибилу санкции ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ введет, тогда хоть обкакайся, а деваться ему точно некуда будет...

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Барлог, 14:35, 12.09


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Кортес, 15:54, 12.09

Даже в Зимбабве уже понял, что бойкот даст эффект. Только беларусской "оппозиции" неясно...

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Zoltan from Hungary, 17:41, 12.09

In Zimbabwe the opposition did not boycott the parliamentary elections! They participated in the election contest and after just the presidential election they boycotted.

This resulted in a more than 50% participation of the new parliament. It's not the external pressure but the need the set up a new government which motivated Mugabe to talk with the opposition.

Exactly the power of the opposition was it.

Do you think that Mugabe would talk to the opposition if they have no control over the half of the house of representatives???

Why would he need a discussion if he have a totally friendly parliament loyal to him?

There is a serious difference between Zimbabwe and Belarus. In Zimbabwe the opposition have proved to be powerful and gained great results.
If the Belarusian opposition withraw from the election process it could not prove anything. It could not prove that it has the power and the public support to overthrow the Lukashenko government.

Don't be confused, I believe that the opposition have the public simpathy and majority.

But to charge the Lukashenko government with falsification of the election results you need to prove it. If you do not run for the votes of the people then there will be no falsifications.
You give on a silver plate the victory to Luka.

After the boycott you gain nothing. You give Luka a 100% loyal parliament, you deprive yourself from the possibility to express your different views in the parliament. With no falsified results you can not ask for a new election - one can ask why don't you participate in this one?
And with no members in the parliament and with no falsified elections to protest again the government doesn't need to negotiate with the opposition.
With boycott the opposition gain nothing but loose every trump cards...

Is this what you want?

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