8 января 2025, среда, 19:14
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 6
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jan, 11:28, 17.09

В свете последних событий, отношения с Беларусью НЕВОЗМОЖНЫ!

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Влодэк, 11:58, 17.09

Без этих европейских пенсионеров + восточных эмисаров мы свергли бы луку еще в 96 - 98 годах. И смерть Гончара, Карпенко, Захаренко и др. в полной мере лежит и на совести европейчиков.

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kom, 12:39, 17.09


"Делайте что хотите, но чтобы через полчаса в лесу было светло, сухо и медведь"

реплика бургомистра из мюнхгаузена

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kom, 12:46, 17.09

Барон Мюнхгаузен будет арестован с минуты на минуту! Просил передать чтоб не расходились.

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People, 13:38, 17.09

«During your last meeting with Alexander Lukashenko in Minsk you have specified, that these consultations are «a mark in mutual relations» between EU and Belarus. If warming has already begun, to what it, in your opinion, can result?
– I always accurately specified, that the European Union is ready to develop again relations with Belarus if certain conditions are satisfied. Whether it will turn out to build relations between EU and Belarus on the best bases, depends on own choice of Belarus. If we see progress in reforms, EU becomes the good partner for Belarus. This partnership includes bilateral programs on a line of "East partnership» and the European policy of the neighbourhood. If to speak more particularly such partnership will include simplification of a visa regime and simplification of rules for trips of citizens of Belarus to the EU countries, and also strengthening of commercial relations.
But at the same time and during the recent visit, and contacting to Belarus on other channels, I clearly underlined, that readiness for new relations demands from Belarus readiness to co-operate from EU and resolutely to accept democratic values.

What areas of possible macroeconomic support of Belarus from EU? Whether means this expansion of communications of EU with Minsk in those areas where the Belarus economy still completely depends on Russia?
– In Belarus, consequences financial and an economic crisis have really, seriously affected. After in 2008 the economy of this country has shown 10 percent growth, this year all speaks well for that the considerable recession accompanied by falling of industrial production and problems of balance of payments will be observed. We completely support the agreement between IMF and Belarus which as we hope, will help to stabilise a situation and which is connected with some considerable structural reforms. We also consider all possibilities of additional support which we could render. For example, we want together with IMF, the World bank, the European investment bank and the European bank of reconstruction and development to give to the Belarus government economic support for the purpose of the further economic liberalisation.
If to speak in the general terms, we wish to see, that Belarus continues to develop as the country with open economy which wins from work on a multilateral basis. We also are assured, that the accession to WTO remains key step for advancement of economic reforms which could to create, in turn, a favorable investment and business climate. It will benefit both the Belarus economy, and citizens of this country, and will strengthen its commercial relations from EU.» - Remarks Ferrera and the journalist
Dear Ferrera, to you deceive & to you say lies our authorities, to the to keep a mode and to receive from you and EU credits. These credits will be spent for dictatorship support

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jan, 17:27, 17.09

2 Влодэк

Европа к Беларуси вообще никакого отношения не имеет. И, кстати, ничего ей не должна. А что Луку не свергли, так можно обвинять кого угодно, включая стихийные бедствияи мировой кризис. Но кроме белорусов, вначале избравших его, а затем тихо ноющих по этому поводу, не виноват больше никто.

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