8 января 2025, среда, 18:56
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Хартия 97!
Комментарии 2
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Интерн, 13:14, 28.09

Аккредитация нужна больше властямчем журналистам, чтобы дерожать прессу на веревочке. Хотим даем, хотиим отберем. По конституции любой человек может собирать и арспространять информацию. Та что нарушабют валсти. выдвигая незаконные требования.

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BEL_air, 17:54, 28.09

The Belarusian regulations for acceditation of journalists is part of Lukashenko re-election strategy.
it is a political control instrument for the Lukashenko apparatus - and Europe must know, that the
executor is Foreign Minister of Belarus. When they shake his hand - they must know, what this
person is representing.

BEL_air considers these regulations for accreditation of foreign journalists/media as a violation
of freedom of the press - and therefore we ignore it. The Belaursian FM has no means to stopp
us reporting about his violations of fundamental freedoms in Belarus.

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