9 марта 2025, воскресенье, 11:17
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Хартия 97!

Арест американского юриста связан с «делом Березовского»?


Задержание в Минске известного американского адвоката, эксперта по борьбе с отмыванием денег Эммануила Зельцера может быть связано с "делом Березовского", считает гражданин США судебный переводчик Валерий Щукин, клиентом которого был Зельцер.

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Karon von Gerhke, 17:04, 19.03

There could be any number of reasons for Emanuel Zeltser's arrest. But Mr. Zeltser did know Boris Berezovsky.

Sometime last year, Mr. Zeltser telephone me in response to an e-mail I had written to him relating to an article published in the Moscow Times on the Litvinenko case. He informed me that he knew Mr. Berezovsky quite well; that he had, in fact, met with him in New York some weeks prior to my e-mail.

I doubted Mr. Zeltser's allegation on having met with Mr. Berezovsky in New York or anywhere in the U.S. Mr. Berezovsky is prohibited by law from entering the U.S. He would go to any extreme to obtain a U.S. entry visa, which he has been denied since Russia issued an Interpol arrest against him.

In 2005, Mr. Berezovsky met with a U.S. immigration attorney whose services are used by the U.S. National Security Council to work with diplomats from despositc nations-- tyrannets and their ilk--on obtaining entry visa's to the U.S. The immigration attorney met with Mr. Berezovsky in London where she advised him a visa to the U.S. would require a minimum of two years and only then if he ceased he public attacks against the leadership of Russia.

When I challanged Mr. Zeltser on the issue of his meeting with Mr. Berezovsky, Mr. Zeltser told me Mr. Berezovsky was New York regularly. If Mr. Berezovsky did enter the U.S., he entered under an assumed name and presumably incognito because he would have been recognized.

Mr. Zeltser rolled out a list of names of Mr. Berezovsky's associates whom he alleged he knew and maintained contact with. Alan Goldfarb and Yuri Shvets among them.

I doubt Mr. Zeltser is anyone Russian law enforcement agencies would have an interest in on anything relating to Mr. Berezovsky and members of his entourage. Judging from his allegation of his frequest meetings with Mr. Berezovsky in New York, he would be anything but a credible witness on whatever information he may purport to have on Mr. Berezovsky, which I assume, based on his telephone call to me, a complete stranger, he would willing volunteer.

If Mr. Zeltser was arrested in relation to Mr. Berezovsky, I would assume his arrest related to business he may have been conducting on behalf of Mr. Bereovsky in Belarus versus for what he may or may know about the crimes Mr. Berezovsky' has been convicted of in Russia. One cannot rule out the possibility of new crimes unfolding as a result of Mr. Zeltser's arrest, however.

That Mr. Berezovsky has a connection to Belarus can be found in Lord Bell, Mr.Berezovsky's public relations guru. Few are so niave to believe that Lord Bell would not have consulted his client prior to agreeing to a representation of Belarus, whose leadership is known for its loyalties to the leadership of Russia. It isn't the "done thing" in public relation firms to represent the opposition of a high profile client the likes of which Mr. Berezovsky enjoys with Lord Bell.

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