8 января 2025, среда, 20:22
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!

Политзаключенного Парсюкевича суд оставил за решеткой


Минский городской суд не удовлетворил кассационную жалобу адвокатов Сергея Парсюкевича. По последней информации, политзаключенный будет отбывать срок в исправительной колонии № 17 (Шклов, Могилевская область).

Комментарии 5
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igor, 21:16, 30.05

ты мужчина. они - дерьмо.

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ь, 23:10, 30.05

ментовской беспредел творится
Сергей, держиесь!

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беларусачка, 0:47, 31.05

Трымайся, Сяргей! Гасподзь бачыць усё и ён табе дапаможыць, трэба вельмі дужа верыць у гэта, у сэрцы..

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Ганна, 20:01, 31.05

Тое, што яны робяць з Парсюкевічам, з Кімам і інш. толькі дадае моцы росту пратэстнага духу ў Беларусі. Пасля таго, як адбыліся гвалтоўныя суды над моладдзю, над Парсюкевічам, Кімам, шмат новых барацьбітоў паўстала супраць Лукі і яго своры. Гэтыя прысуды сваім цынізмам, хлусней уразілі і амапаўцаў, якія там прысутнічалі, і сведкаў, якія адмаўляліся сведчыць. Бо я чула, як яны казалі ў калідоры , што такіх, як пракурор,як суддзя,, як Падбярозкін трэба гнаць узашэй з працы, што гэта нелюдзі. Ведаю, што ўсе будзе добра. Мы будзем змагацца за вас, хлопцы! Жыве Беларусь! Ганьба лукашыстскім нелюдзям!

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ho_no_lulu, 18:25, 12.06

Some people from Belarus asked me to inform the Foreign Ministry of my country about the situation of politically and prosecuted people in Belarus.

This answer I received yesterday from Federal Ministry for european and international affairs of the Repubic of Austria.

Dear Mr.________,

thank you for your mail to the Minstry for european and international affairs of Austria, dated with May 6th 2008, in which you appointed to the latest detentions of political opponents.

The right for peaceful assambly, and therewith the participation in legitimate and peaceful demonstrations, is a human right, for which Belarus committed her compliance by ratification of the International Pact for civil and political liberties on November 12th, 1973.

Therefore, the European Union has condemnded in a harsh manner the political motivated trials and the inadequate extents of sentences in the cases Kim and Parsykevich in in a statement given on April 29th, 2008, which claims to revise the jugdements and (wich claims) repeatedely the release all political prisoners. Also Austria supported this statement.

Furthermore, the European Union repeatadely claimed, in the framework of bilateral relations with Belarus, the unconditional release of political prisoners and she expresses her concern for the increased threats against defenders of human rights and independent journalists.

In cooperation with the European Union and the OSCE, the Federal Ministry for european and international affairs of Austria is critically and with accuracy observing the situation of human rights in Belarus, in particular the situation of political prisoners.

Therefore, Austria will furthermore adress the the question of political prisoners and the compliance of human rights in Belarus in the framework of EU-strategies.

signed by director of the department "Human rights", Mag. Theuermann, Federal Ministry for european and international affairs of Austria.

the original can be received by email: kingdom@backlab.at

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