8 марта 2025, суббота, 19:37
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Хартия 97!
Комментарии 5
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Korj, 12:56, 10.05

Сапраўды ўжо зьдзекі, падаецца. Хай Зэльцар сто разоў прайдзісьвет, а па ўсім выходзіць менавіта гэтак, але ж такія адносіны... Зь іншага боку, чаму "Міжнародная амністыя" не выступае за правы УСІХ зьняволеных у нашых турмах-катаўніцах - вунь побач інтэрвью зь Сіўчыкам - хто за яго выступіў? Амерыканскі жулік годны абароны Amnesty Int., а паспалітыя беларусы - тое самае быдла, якое няма чаго абараняць ад быдлячых умоваў у турмах?
І яшчэ цікавы факт - нашае "непадкупнае" КГБ прадаецца па згоднаму кошту кожнаму Беразоўскаму...

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Karon von Gerhke, 19:21, 10.05

Emanuel Zeltser is a U.S. attorney who is alleged to have represented Badri Patarkatsishvili for 14 years. On 14 November 2007 Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have executed a Deed of Appointment appointing his distant cousin, Joseph Kay, as executor of his $12 billion (USD) estate, along with a Letter of Wishes identifying his beneficiaries.

On 3 March 2008, Michelle Duncan--the then attorney representing both Patarkatsishvili's widow, Inna Gudanadze, and his alienated business partner, convicted Russian criminal defendant, Boris Berezovsky-- issued a letter to Belarusian Prosecutor General Grigory Vasilevich alerting him that Joseph Kay and Emanuel Zeltser may attempt to gain illegal possession of assets owned by Badri Patarkatsishvili in Georgia using forged documents. With no evidence except her client's biased belief, she called on Prosecutor General Vasilevich to "act speedily and vigilantly" against them.

On 12 March 2008, under false and misleading allegations that Zeltser's presence was urgently required in Belarus to prevent President Alexandre Lukashenko from selling an oil company alleged to be owned by Patarkatsishvili, Berezovsky flew Zeltser and his secretary Vladlena Fink to Minsk on Berezovsky's private jet where they were arrested as they descended his jet at the Minsk airport. To convince Zeltser that the alleged sale posed a risk to Patarkatsishvili's estate, Gudanadze dispatched Alexei Motkin to accompany Zeltser and Fink to Minsk. They were arrested and charged with possession of fraudulent documents. Zeltser did not carry copies of the Deed of Appointment or Letter of Wishes on his person. Zeltser's and Fink's arrest was premeditated, orchestrated by Berezovsky in collusion with Gudanadze and Motkin, an Israel national who had managed Patarkatsishvili's Georgian presidential campaign and who was released immediately following Zeltser's and Fink's arrest.

On 13 March 2008, Lord Timothy Bell, Berezovsky's public relations guru, met with President Lukashenko in Minsk to officially announce his agreement to represent President Lukashenko in a public relations campaign to improve his image in the UK. Berezovsky is alleged to have travelled to Minsk to attend the meeting between Lord Bell and President Lukashenko on 13 March, the day after Zeltser's and Fink's arrest, and to have returned from Minsk to London on the same day on the same private jet he flew Zeltser and Kay into the waiting arms of the Belarusian KGB.

On 19 March 2008, Lord Phillip Goldsmith, a member of the Queen's Court, Chief of European Litigation and the former Attorney General under Prime Minister Tony Blair, issued a letter that was hand believer to Prosecutor General Vasilevich by Duncan that explicitly requested a collaboration by and between the Prosecutor General's office, Duncan and Goldsmith on extracting evidence from Zeltser that could be used in support of Goldsmith's clients, Gudanadze and her two daughter's, evidence that they lacked in a claim they filed in United States District Court, Southern District of New York. On the basis of Lord Goldsmith's appeal to Prosecutor General Vasilevich, according to Zeltser's state-appointed attorney, Duncan was invited to attend KGB interrogations of Zeltser where she is alleged to have witnessed Zeltser being beat upon the head and knuckles.

Not without significance, Lord Bell was also in Minsk on 19 March 2008, meeting with President Lukashenko. No one can be so naive as to believe that Lord Bell's meeting with President Lukashenko combined with Duncan's delivery of Lord Goldsmith's letter calling for a collaboration with Prosecutor General Vasilevich did not weigh heavily in influencing Prosecutor General Vasilevich's decision to allow Duncan to attend Zeltser's KGB interrogation. It was a license to extract evidence through whatever means, torture not exempted.

In the U.S., as in the UK, it is illegal to deprive an individual of their civil liberties. Zeltser and Fink were "renditioned" to Belarus by Berezovsky, who ensnared Gudanadze, Lord Goldsmith, Lord Bell and Duncan into a well orchestrated scheme to entrap Zeltser and Fink from their rights to due process of law in a U.S. court of law. Berezovsky used his ill-gotten wealth, for which he stands convicted in Russia, to corrupt the most influential attorneys and public relation firms in the UK.

Guilty or innocent, Zeltser and Fink constitutional rights were violated. Their civil liberties were unlawfully denied to them. Zeltser is not expected to live. They are all complicit in his unlawful rendition and will all be complicit in his murder if he dies.

English translations of copies of Lord Goldsmith's letter of 19 March 2008 and Michelle Duncan's letter of 3 March 2008 to Prosecutor General Vasilevich will be made available upon request.

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беларусачка, 0:21, 11.05

Божа ўсё бачыць, за кожную муку Ён адкажа... Не доўга танчыць яму і Ён гэта ведае ад таго і крыўляецца. І БУДЗЕ ЖЫЦЬ БЕЛАРУСЬ!!!

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Korj, 15:17, 11.05

Karon von Gerhke, Такая сьмешная піліпка, проста часопіс "Агитатор" 70-х гадоў, тады яшчэ пісалі, як у Амерыцы мурынскія кварталы US Army бамбуе. Сусьветная змова бач, і страшны гад усіх часоў і народаў Березовский, каторага (хто б мог падумаць!) абвінавачвае самы чэсны Басманны суд, і Lord Phillip Goldsmith, a member of the Queen's Court, Chief of European Litigation ажно зь ім у змове! Які дэтэктыў! LOL

No one can be so naive as to believe that Lord Bell's meeting with President Lukashenko combined with Duncan's delivery of Lord Goldsmith's letter calling for a collaboration with Prosecutor General Vasilevich did not weigh heavily in influencing Prosecutor General Vasilevich's decision

ГЫГЫГЫ! Я проста сабе ўявіў, як уражаны быў наш Прасекьютар Генерал Васілевітч, атрымаўшы сакрэтную дэпешу з Лёндану! LOL!!!

Гэтая дурная піліпка, адно што па-ангельску, яшчэ раз паказвае, наколькі брудная справа - відавочна ж яна й не магла не быць бруднаю, улічваючы колькі мільярдаў, нажытых у той час, як грузынскі народ паміраў у галечы, ня змог з самою зацягнуць у магілу Бадры. Вельмі добры ўрок усім нам - у чорта ў пекле мільярды не дапамогуць...
Што да зьдзекаў - як гэта не кінічна, але я яшчэ раз паўтараю - не большыя, чым над нашымі змагарамі за Бацькаўшчыну ды простымі паспалітымі людзьмі. Няхай журналісты не вылазілі б з простых турмаў з простымі людзьмі - там умовы не лепей. Дык не, няма ім справы да нас, ім цікава пра імпартовага жуліка пісаць...

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http://www.littlecherriesonline.com/pro/img/news.asp, 18:07, 24.10

?????????????????????? [url=http://www.littlecherriesonline.com/pro/img/news.asp]http://www.littlecherriesonline.com/pro/img/news.asp[/url] ??????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????(??)???????????????????

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